1:00 - Overview
5 Steps for Survival and Regrowth
- Situational Assessment (Triage)
- Stabilize Cash Flow (Stop the bleeding)
- Analyze all Business Segments
- Refocus on Core Competency
- Development New Strategic Plan for Growth
2:52 - Situational Assessment
- Review current and recent financials, cash flow, projections
- Create/Maintain a rolling 13-week cashflow forecast
- Interview management to get a full perspective on the state of business
- Identify and understand major compliance issues
6:10 - Turnaround case example
9:05 - Stabilize Cash Flow
- Eliminate discretionary Expenditures
- Monetize idle and excess assets
- Delay defer payments where possible
- Manage customer contracts
- Manage supply chain
- Initial rationalization of employees (do not implement yet)
16:00 - Poll Question
16:50 - Analyze all business Segments
- Where does the company make and lose money?
- Include Customers, Product Lines, Facilities, Regions
- Utilize cash flow break-even analysis
- Only include incremental / variable costs
- Categorize fixed costs into discreet pools
- Consider pricing specials if available capacity
- Consider collaborations with supply chain
18:50 - Customer pricing example
25:00 - Refocus on Core Competency
- Carefully assess and establish actual core competency
- Draft a plan to shrink the rest of the business
- Execute the plans carefully, swiftly and diligently
25:35 - Core Competency case example
31:40 - Develop New Strategic Plan for Growth
- VMOSTA Framework
- Build for the expected future, not today
- Reconstitute all functions based on needs of new plan
- Determine cash flow and any capital needs
- Recapitalize, if necessary
- Engage the A-team to execute
36:25 - Poll Question
37:38 - 10 Keys for Overall Success
46:40 - Questions and Answers